we’ve been up to quite much!
we couldn’t have squeezed one more thing into our saturday! and now that i’ve undertook a recount of this long series of events -i am amazed we did as we did! go team lloyd! the day started quite early for a typical saturday morning. (i couldn’t sleep on friday night, i was too excited!) after a trip to hiroki’s we went to a great garage sale in ballard where I came away with some really cool fabric scraps. (post to follow on the resulting projects this spurred!)
fRom ballard we drove south for the main event, spencer was waiting in auburn for a ride home! he fit, windshield to hatch in the c-rv. on the way back we stopped by the vast land of ikea & picked up a few pots! (to feed l’s deep need to expand the reaches of her potted garden) after ikea & because hubby had been soo gracious to wade through a garage sale, rug warehouse & ikea- we stopped by to walk the greenwood car show. the car show went on for seeming miles, and did i mention that it was 92 degrees? but we still look pretty good yeah?
note the minis in the background?
we visited the mini club, samoa, proudly making a 25-car united front at the show, and oogled at hundreds of other cars all gleaming in chrome & pride. i enjoyed a bit of inspiration from the various hood ornaments mounted like self-proclaiming oscar awards.
badges & hood ornaments of various vintage
after walking the (+10!!) blocks of the show we straggled our was back to our uninspiring, though happily rug-filled car and headed home worn out & sunburned. …and you would like me to say that the day was done, right?!
no… we now have to muscle a 200lb rug down the street (why we didn’t park closer? -i don’t know) and up the three narrow flights of stairs to our little oven of an attic. ;)
…now i wish had pictures of the epic rug battle…i wish i could offer you a dramatic play by play of that excruciating trudge…but alas my writing skills will fail to convey the shear magnitude of this accomplishment. …let’s just say that it was way heavier than we had anticipated… and now, 3 days later, we are still groaning over the strain! of course, in my delirium, as i stooped rattling under the weight of spencer, my reaction was to buckle under an extreme case of the giggles- only making matters much worse. tears streaming down my face and a stomach cramp from the laughter -i think i gained composure about 2/3rds of the way up… we finally make it to the top, dripping & suffering from sun + rug burn. long story short(er)… we tumbled into bed at about 11ish after playing jenga with (almost) every piece of furniture in our house.